In the above pic, Jupiter is not visible at that scale and the sun is ONE PIXEL.
WE've never really given this much thought,
but it's rather dazzling to see it presented this way.
It's a BIG universe.
Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky.
It is more than 1000 light years away. so .. how significant should we really be feeling, right about now?
Do you really think it is plausible that some great being is watching and provides a universal court to all of us(tiny specks) and rewards us when were good and punishes us when were bad. so stop saying god wants this and god wants that. The most ridiculous thing is when youre told you wont go to heaven if youre not part of a particular religion. it is sad and pathetic that people still so easily buy in to this and all the millions sorts of claims by other people.
it is truly fantastic actually. give yourselves a round of applause! as a great illusionist once put it so jokingly, "a sucker is born every minute" come to think about it, all advertizing agencies, event companies and all other money generating business's should have that slogan at the entrances of thier office spaces. "a sucker is born every minute" Its all about the presentation. no matter how ludicrous your topic is about, ITS ALL ABOUT THE PRESENTATION.
you get good enough props, a good enough team on your side, you could even sell ice to an eskimo. You get a half-assed soccer player who doesnt do jack shit for the team for 89 minutes...he scores in the last minute of play, HE IS THE HERO. and only those on his team know how much he sucks, to the world...hes a fantastic player! The point im trying to get across is just this;
when someone tells you something out of the ordinary, or something new to you; always ask these few questions,
1) is what your are saying true?
2) if so, what evidence do you have to back your claims?
3) how does this affect me?
ASK! why, how, when! if its true, we really deserve to get the whole story right? having a lot of people witness it is powerful, but not at all conclusive. however we must be sure never to underestimate the power of a dumb people in large groups. the best peace you can find is in making others happy. it is so simple. no need to kneel down or stand or squat and burn incense or bow your heads, dont consume a particular animal because GOD SAID WE CANT EAT that particular meat, or kill infidels or whatever we 'superior' creatures do. MY GOD!
make someone smile, once a day everyday for a year, everyday different person. just make others happy. make someone laugh, and chances are the next time around they'll want to make you laugh or smile at least. I know you cant make everyone happy but smile anyway, if the person doesnt reciprocate just show that person that not everybody is as miserable as he is.