When there is nothing Intense in what you do, theres nothing special about what you do. if theres nothing intense in what you believe in...you really have no clue. i dedicate this blog to my dead pets...toby, blackie, prince, bruno and chubby. i love you dogs til today...peace out and take your time munching your mutton bones in doggy heaven.
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Saturday, November 05, 2005
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Friday, November 4, 2005
McCready to Oprah: I'm still healing
Mindy McCready in May, as she testifies as part of a preliminary hearing for her boyfriend.
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Mindy McCready says she still loves the man charged with nearly beating her to death earlier this year, and her two suicide attempts were the result of their troubled relationship.
"I wanted him to be sorry," McCready said Thursday about her boyfriend, William McKnight, on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
McKnight was charged with attempted murder in May after he allegedly broke into the country singer's home and assaulted her.
McCready, 28, had a No. 1 hit in 1996 with "Guys Do It All the Time," but has suffered a series of legal and personal problems in the last year.
During the interview, McCready described the attack and recalled being choked and "gurgling on blood." She broke into tears several times.
"That feeling of not being able to breathe is something I'll never forget," she said.
But McCready said she still loves McKnight and has been with him since the attack. She told Winfrey that she became pregnant by McKnight unintentionally in July and is carrying his baby.
She blamed the violence on drug use, and said she didn't think he would hit her again. She said she hasn't been able to heal emotionally because McKnight hasn't shown remorse.
"He doesn't think that he's done very much wrong," McCready said.
She said she attempted suicide twice after quarreling with McKnight.
"I wanted him to take responsibility for it," she said. "I wanted him to be extremely sorry for it."
McCready's problems since August 2004 also include a drunken driving arrest in Nashville, an arrest in Arizona on charges stemming from her alleged involvement with a con man, and a conviction for fraudulently obtaining prescription painkillers.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Did humans come from apes or monkeys?
No qualified scientist, including Charles Darwin, has ever claimed that human beings descended from monkeys or apes. Humans and apes are descended from a single species, a common ancestor, that no longer exists. This ancestor is commonly called the "proto-ape." While it can be said that we are related to apes and monkeys, they are in no way our predecessors. Humans share extreme commonalities with chimpanzees, apes, orangutans, and gorillas. Without regard to religion, it is undeniable to the scientific community that all humans, including Jesus Christ, belong to a group of mammals called "primates."
David Copperfield: Magical Impregnation
David Copperfield says he plans to impregnate a girl on stage - without even touching her.
Speaking to German magazine Galore, the illusionist rejected the theory that there were only seven different kinds of magic tricks.
He said: "Bull s**t! There is a great deal of new territory to conquer. In my next show I'm going to make a girl pregnant on stage."
He added: "Naturally it will be without sex. Everyone will be happy about it, but I'm not telling you any more."
The magician is currently on tour in Germany with his show, An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion.
Homer Simpson Makes Men of the Decade list
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Nothing Personal

Sometimes I feel like a little bug. A dirty diseased little demented fly feasting on cow dung on the verge of biting his own head off out of doing myself(and others) a favour. Most times its happy go lucky watching the world revolve, cars going by, planes flying high above, sun rising, sun setting, tv on with a commercial running (at times you forget what you're watching cuz the damn ads keep booming away at every interval they can slot, stealing the thunder off your show) so, yeah tv running...world spinning not entirely out of control. What is there to do that has'nt already been done before?
Its ALL BEEN DONE! You're told you to be a team player but at the same time thrust your individuality. Go out there make as much cash as you can, step on whoever you can who gets in the way but when you reach the top give 10% of your gains to the poor, do charity...it'll cancel out the guilt. Join the ratrace, get a car + house, go to work 6 days a week, marry someone who can stand how quirky you can get, be a part of a group who'll somewhat understand you...is there really any point to all of this? To accumulate memories? To sit down one day when youre 40 and reminisce about the past 25 years?
Tell that to someone who is'nt quite as lucky. People brought up in wastelands, the starving, the orphaned, the crippled, the mentally retarded, the unfortunate ones who's entire families get wiped out by war or nature. I want to dig these eyes out and perforate these eardrums because PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID.
People believe that there is an ever watchful eye over us and that BEING has the almighty power to determine what does (or does'nt) happen to us. So in order to appease that certain BEING we have to go through a series of rituals. A strict code must be followed, failing which, we will be transported to a certain place where suffering is rife for all eternity (not Ethiopia, Afganistan nor Somalia) It sounds almost sci-fi, yet more than 60% of us BELIEVE.
Thats a facinating fact, especially when people watch Star-Trek and say it's utter bullocks.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Ohh! the superstitious
Black magic may have driven a Cambodian couple to bite off their daughter's thumb nails and suck her blood.
Chheng Chhorn, 46, and Srun Yoeung, 37, attacked their 12-year-old child before dawn on Thursday while she was still asleep, biting off her thumb nails and a small part of her nose to drink her blood, said Keo Norea Phy, a police official in Kampong Cham province where the incident occurred. Neighbors rushed to the couple's house and rescued the girl after hearing her screams, he said.
After treatment at a hospital in Kampong Cham, the girl was placed in the custody of other villagers. Relatives had taken her parents to a black magic healer to chase away the evil spirit that was believed to have possessed them, the police official said.
Preap Nhim, a local official, said the couple sold noodles in their village and had never before acted in a strange manner. He said they may have been driven by the spirit guarding the altar they kept inside their house.
Cambodia is a Buddhist country, but many people in the countryside are deeply superstitious. Some claim the ability to communicate with the dead and cure the sick by exorcising evil spirits from their bodies.
Associated Press
Chheng Chhorn, 46, and Srun Yoeung, 37, attacked their 12-year-old child before dawn on Thursday while she was still asleep, biting off her thumb nails and a small part of her nose to drink her blood, said Keo Norea Phy, a police official in Kampong Cham province where the incident occurred. Neighbors rushed to the couple's house and rescued the girl after hearing her screams, he said.
After treatment at a hospital in Kampong Cham, the girl was placed in the custody of other villagers. Relatives had taken her parents to a black magic healer to chase away the evil spirit that was believed to have possessed them, the police official said.
Preap Nhim, a local official, said the couple sold noodles in their village and had never before acted in a strange manner. He said they may have been driven by the spirit guarding the altar they kept inside their house.
Cambodia is a Buddhist country, but many people in the countryside are deeply superstitious. Some claim the ability to communicate with the dead and cure the sick by exorcising evil spirits from their bodies.
Associated Press
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
You can use a compass to detect major magnetic fields, but it is a very difficult process. To detect them correctly and quickly you absolutely need an EMF detector. They come in several varieties. The more expensive the more features and sensitivity. Although you can skimp with $$ on some items, you really can't skimp with an EMF detector. Invest in a good one.
If your getting really serious about ghost hunting, EMF detection may not be enough for you. Air Ions are another bi-product of paranormal activity. It is standard to use an Air Ion detector in conjunction with an EMF meter to create a double detection effect. After all, no matter how good your equipment is you will get spikes now and then. Having two different systems makes proof an easier thing to obtain.
Ghosts absorb energy around them when they are active. These energies come in many forms. The most common energy form that a ghost uses is simple heat. A ghost will absorb heat to help it manifest which is why people feel cold when a ghost passes them. This is simply the ghost using energy from the room and from our bodies.
Recent advancements in thermometer technology make checking for cold spots simple and cheap. Infrared devices, like those featured here, can digitally read temperatures from remote locations where they are pointed. For instance, if there is a spot much colder than the rest of a room and there is no draft, chances are there is ghost activity. If you aim a detector at a spot and a temp suddenly drops drastically, you know something is happening. You can also use it to verify if a ghost is interacting with a person by seeing if a person's exterior temp drops. By far, this one of the most useful and affordable tools for serious investigations.
Note: These items can be ordered directly through paraseek with free U.S. shipping!
Motion detectors are one of the least expensive equipment you can get and are highly recommended. It is affordable because you can build these yourself out of any motionequipment on the market. They all work on the same premise: automatic house lighting, burglar alarms, etc.
It is not certain whether the movement of ghosts themselves can set off motion alarms. That is under debate. However, the actions of ghosts can, such as moving items in rooms, etc. Sprits have their own personality just like the living. Some are aggressive but some are shy and only act when they are left alone. You can't be everywhere but your detectors can.
We recommend a system with an alarm so you can be alerted of activity. At left is a do-it-yourself kit which includes both a motion detector and an alarm. But remember,any motion system will work.
Why do we hunt ghostsat night? Its not because they are unpresent in the daytime. Generally, it is because its easier to detect them in dark and quiet conditions,and some say energies they need to materialize are maximized during thenight.
Since you will be hunting in the dark, night vision scopes are important to witness events you might not see and to maintain safety. Although on the expensive side, they are a very good investment and have multiple uses.
If you are concerned about prices, there are very good monocular versions out there bargain priced at around $150. For depth perception it is best to use binoculars.
Motion detectors are one of the least expensive equipment you can get and are highly recommended. It is affordable because you can build these yourself out of any motionequipment on the market. They all work on the same premise: automatic house lighting, burglar alarms, etc.
It is not certain whether the movement of ghosts themselves can set off motion alarms. That is under debate. However, the actions of ghosts can, such as moving items in rooms, etc. Sprits have their own personality just like the living. Some are aggressive but some are shy and only act when they are left alone. You can't be everywhere but your detectors can.
We recommend a system with an alarm so you can be alerted of activity. At left is a do-it-yourself kit which includes both a motion detector and an alarm. But remember,any motion system will work.
It may seem like a small item, but a compass serves multiple purposes. Of course it may be used to find your way, but it may also be used to detect odd magnetic fields. If you experience an area with activity, look for magnetic fields in the area to zero in on the disturbance.
Although compasses themselves are cheap items we HIGHLY recommend you get a quality compass. Normal, cheap compasses tend to place the needle too close to the bottom of the compass or in a configuration which makes using them impossible if you are on any angle or moving (which you will be doing a lot of) To that end, you need to use a compass that is professional and will work if it is off-balance or shaken. We would also recommend getting both a digital and old fashioned needle version because digital compass detection is different from traditional magnetic detection.
The most important equipment is that which gives you proof. Visual proof is the ultimate proof. Fortunately many investigators believe that cheaper cameras actually may produce better results. The rationale behind this revolves around the fact that the more error correcting you add to a camera the less likely you are to produce a raw image.
Cheap $5 disposable cameras are often some of the best to have on hand. All the bells and whistles are gone and you get a pure, raw image. Make sure its 35mm and use high quality film (400 speed is best). You should also have some type of polaroid camera on hand (1) to get immediate results and (2) because polaroid film seems to have chemicals in it which produce unique results.
Bottom line is, have multiple kinds of cameras on hand and lots of film. Different technology produces different results. Your going to take a lot of wasted shots but its worth it if you get one good one. Also, make sure you have lots of extra batteries because in haunted locations they do tend to drain quick or malfunction.
Also remember your camcorder for video and audio recording.
Note: Guides to low light photography techniques are available in the reference section below.
The following are must have items. All inexpensive and all should be part of your ghost hunting pack.
Colleagues: Don't ever investigate alone. Safety in numbers.
Baby powder: We call this the drug-store motion detector. Its rare, but it can be sprinkled and used in rooms to record footprints or movement.
Flashlights: Strong versions with clips that can be attached to your clothing are the best. And remember, bring several. Some may fail. You can also mute strong lights when you need less light by using thin fabric or colored cling wrap.
Candles: Can all your batteries fail? Oh yeah! You can also use smoke in air tight rooms to record odd air movements.
Batteries: As previously mentioned, batteries tend to drain. So take as many as you can.
Chalk: Mark evidence and also mark trees and other areas where you might have ventured to help get back. If you are exploring, never contaminate an area with a mark that can't be later removed. If you have to permanently document it, take a picture.
Watches: Record when events happen and coordinate your efforts. Suggest you have two: one wind-up type and one battery powered.
Notebook: Make sure you have organized notes and bring a cheap book light so you can write easily.
Cell phone: If you are in any remote area, make sure to have an emergency link to home. Also, make sure that someone knows where you have gone and when you will return for your safety (although you should never hunt alone).
Thermometer: Ideally you would like to buy a very quick digital outdoor detector so you can find cold spots as they happen. Normal thermometer sare too slow and won't produce any results.
Tissue paper: If you are in a room that you know has no drafts, you can detect paranormal movement by suspending tissue paper or very thin cloth in air tight areas. You can even very the thickness in areas as a test in itself.
This featured model, from trifieldmeter.com is recognized as one of the best in the field. Not only does it operate on many different wavelengths (really making it several tools in one) but it also is designed to filter out EM fields that would be created from man-made sources.
If your getting really serious about ghost hunting, EMF detection may not be enough for you. Air Ions are another bi-product of paranormal activity. It is standard to use an Air Ion detector in conjunction with an EMF meter to create a double detection effect. After all, no matter how good your equipment is you will get spikes now and then. Having two different systems makes proof an easier thing to obtain.
Ghosts absorb energy around them when they are active. These energies come in many forms. The most common energy form that a ghost uses is simple heat. A ghost will absorb heat to help it manifest which is why people feel cold when a ghost passes them. This is simply the ghost using energy from the room and from our bodies.
Recent advancements in thermometer technology make checking for cold spots simple and cheap. Infrared devices, like those featured here, can digitally read temperatures from remote locations where they are pointed. For instance, if there is a spot much colder than the rest of a room and there is no draft, chances are there is ghost activity. If you aim a detector at a spot and a temp suddenly drops drastically, you know something is happening. You can also use it to verify if a ghost is interacting with a person by seeing if a person's exterior temp drops. By far, this one of the most useful and affordable tools for serious investigations.
Note: These items can be ordered directly through paraseek with free U.S. shipping!
Motion detectors are one of the least expensive equipment you can get and are highly recommended. It is affordable because you can build these yourself out of any motionequipment on the market. They all work on the same premise: automatic house lighting, burglar alarms, etc.
It is not certain whether the movement of ghosts themselves can set off motion alarms. That is under debate. However, the actions of ghosts can, such as moving items in rooms, etc. Sprits have their own personality just like the living. Some are aggressive but some are shy and only act when they are left alone. You can't be everywhere but your detectors can.
We recommend a system with an alarm so you can be alerted of activity. At left is a do-it-yourself kit which includes both a motion detector and an alarm. But remember,any motion system will work.
Why do we hunt ghostsat night? Its not because they are unpresent in the daytime. Generally, it is because its easier to detect them in dark and quiet conditions,and some say energies they need to materialize are maximized during thenight.
Since you will be hunting in the dark, night vision scopes are important to witness events you might not see and to maintain safety. Although on the expensive side, they are a very good investment and have multiple uses.
If you are concerned about prices, there are very good monocular versions out there bargain priced at around $150. For depth perception it is best to use binoculars.
Motion detectors are one of the least expensive equipment you can get and are highly recommended. It is affordable because you can build these yourself out of any motionequipment on the market. They all work on the same premise: automatic house lighting, burglar alarms, etc.
It is not certain whether the movement of ghosts themselves can set off motion alarms. That is under debate. However, the actions of ghosts can, such as moving items in rooms, etc. Sprits have their own personality just like the living. Some are aggressive but some are shy and only act when they are left alone. You can't be everywhere but your detectors can.
We recommend a system with an alarm so you can be alerted of activity. At left is a do-it-yourself kit which includes both a motion detector and an alarm. But remember,any motion system will work.
It may seem like a small item, but a compass serves multiple purposes. Of course it may be used to find your way, but it may also be used to detect odd magnetic fields. If you experience an area with activity, look for magnetic fields in the area to zero in on the disturbance.
Although compasses themselves are cheap items we HIGHLY recommend you get a quality compass. Normal, cheap compasses tend to place the needle too close to the bottom of the compass or in a configuration which makes using them impossible if you are on any angle or moving (which you will be doing a lot of) To that end, you need to use a compass that is professional and will work if it is off-balance or shaken. We would also recommend getting both a digital and old fashioned needle version because digital compass detection is different from traditional magnetic detection.
The most important equipment is that which gives you proof. Visual proof is the ultimate proof. Fortunately many investigators believe that cheaper cameras actually may produce better results. The rationale behind this revolves around the fact that the more error correcting you add to a camera the less likely you are to produce a raw image.
Cheap $5 disposable cameras are often some of the best to have on hand. All the bells and whistles are gone and you get a pure, raw image. Make sure its 35mm and use high quality film (400 speed is best). You should also have some type of polaroid camera on hand (1) to get immediate results and (2) because polaroid film seems to have chemicals in it which produce unique results.
Bottom line is, have multiple kinds of cameras on hand and lots of film. Different technology produces different results. Your going to take a lot of wasted shots but its worth it if you get one good one. Also, make sure you have lots of extra batteries because in haunted locations they do tend to drain quick or malfunction.
Also remember your camcorder for video and audio recording.
Note: Guides to low light photography techniques are available in the reference section below.
The following are must have items. All inexpensive and all should be part of your ghost hunting pack.
Colleagues: Don't ever investigate alone. Safety in numbers.
Baby powder: We call this the drug-store motion detector. Its rare, but it can be sprinkled and used in rooms to record footprints or movement.
Flashlights: Strong versions with clips that can be attached to your clothing are the best. And remember, bring several. Some may fail. You can also mute strong lights when you need less light by using thin fabric or colored cling wrap.
Candles: Can all your batteries fail? Oh yeah! You can also use smoke in air tight rooms to record odd air movements.
Batteries: As previously mentioned, batteries tend to drain. So take as many as you can.
Chalk: Mark evidence and also mark trees and other areas where you might have ventured to help get back. If you are exploring, never contaminate an area with a mark that can't be later removed. If you have to permanently document it, take a picture.
Watches: Record when events happen and coordinate your efforts. Suggest you have two: one wind-up type and one battery powered.
Notebook: Make sure you have organized notes and bring a cheap book light so you can write easily.
Cell phone: If you are in any remote area, make sure to have an emergency link to home. Also, make sure that someone knows where you have gone and when you will return for your safety (although you should never hunt alone).
Thermometer: Ideally you would like to buy a very quick digital outdoor detector so you can find cold spots as they happen. Normal thermometer sare too slow and won't produce any results.
Tissue paper: If you are in a room that you know has no drafts, you can detect paranormal movement by suspending tissue paper or very thin cloth in air tight areas. You can even very the thickness in areas as a test in itself.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I do have a few things i want for christmas..

Being single, broke and bored is seriously fucked up.
However, im sure thats
the way the world works in terms of lessons we learn. i've read somewhere that
the purpose of this existance is to learn.
Catch a fly, imprison it in a glass jar for awhile, and then let it go.
What exactly have you done to this insect?
You have played a vital role in its perceptual development. From the moment this fly 'escaped'
this horrendous, traumatic experience, it will surely love each breath and each flap of its wings
more than before. You have given it a taste of reality that life is not forever. Life is fragile
and without losing something worth fighting for, we can never fully grasp the meaning.
So i tell myself this is a lesson. What don't kill you only makes you stronger.
the way the world works in terms of lessons we learn. i've read somewhere that
the purpose of this existance is to learn.
Catch a fly, imprison it in a glass jar for awhile, and then let it go.
What exactly have you done to this insect?
You have played a vital role in its perceptual development. From the moment this fly 'escaped'
this horrendous, traumatic experience, it will surely love each breath and each flap of its wings
more than before. You have given it a taste of reality that life is not forever. Life is fragile
and without losing something worth fighting for, we can never fully grasp the meaning.
So i tell myself this is a lesson. What don't kill you only makes you stronger.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Have cable connection? Might as well get productive with it right?
GreatFacts.com - A huge list of thousands of funny and interesting facts.
MatchAge.com - An age guessing game where you view a person's photo and then try to guess their age. After you guess you can then see their real age and what age other people guessed.
AmazingFun.com - Send free virtual stuff to your friends and family: ice cream cones, pizza, kisses, pranks, flowers, ego boosters, insults, prayers and more.
VideoParodies.com - Funny music videos.
TalkBackwards.com - Find hidden subliminal messages in songs.
The Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Play this classic kids game online.
BathroomLife.com - A huge source of bathroom humor (farting, pooping, etc.). Also take the Bathroom Habits Survey.
DancingBush.com - Make George W. Bush dance.
MatchAge.com - An age guessing game where you view a person's photo and then try to guess their age. After you guess you can then see their real age and what age other people guessed.
AmazingFun.com - Send free virtual stuff to your friends and family: ice cream cones, pizza, kisses, pranks, flowers, ego boosters, insults, prayers and more.
VideoParodies.com - Funny music videos.
TalkBackwards.com - Find hidden subliminal messages in songs.
The Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Play this classic kids game online.
BathroomLife.com - A huge source of bathroom humor (farting, pooping, etc.). Also take the Bathroom Habits Survey.
DancingBush.com - Make George W. Bush dance.
Rwandan Genocide (1994)
Armed Conflict
Events Data
Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda 1994
An agreement between the government and FPR was signed in August 1993 at Arusha, Tanzania, that called for the creation of a broad-based transition government that would include the FPR.
Extremist Hutu were strongly opposed to this plan. In April 1994 a plane carrying Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryama, president of Burundi, crashed, killing both men; it was thought that the plane had been shot down by extremist Hutu. A wave of anarchy and mass killings followed over the next several months, in which as many as a half million civilians, mostly Tutsi, were slaughtered. The FPR responded by resuming their fight, declaring victory in July, and establishing a transitional government. Hundreds of thousands of Rwandans--both Hutu and Tutsi--fled, most of them into eastern Zaire (now called Congo [Kinshasa]). The great majority returned to Rwanda in late 1996 and early 1997.
Once, Hutus and Tutsis lived in harmony in Central Africa. About 600 years ago, Tutsis, a tall, warrior people, moved south from Ethiopia and invaded the homeland of the Hutus. Though much smaller in number, they conquered the Hutus, who agreed to raise crops for them in return for protection.
Even in the colonial era -- when Belgium ruled the area, after taking it from Germany in 1916 -- the two groups lived as one, speaking the same language, intermarrying, and obeying a nearly godlike Tutsi king.
Independence changed everything. The monarchy was dissolved and Belgian troops withdrawn -- a power vacuum both Tutsis and Hutus fought to fill. Two new countries emerged in 1962 -- Rwanda, dominated by the Hutus, and Burundi by the Tutsis -- and the ethnic fighting flared on and off in the following decades.
It exploded in 1994 with the civil war in Rwanda in which hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. Tutsi rebels won control, which sent a million Hutus, fearful of revenge, into Zaire and Tanzania.
In Burundi, the Tutsis yielded power after a Hutu won the country's first democratic election in 1993. He was killed in an attempted coup four months later, and his successor in a suspicious plane crash in 1994, in which the Hutu leader of Rwanda was also killed.
Last Update: December 16, 2000
Armed Conflict
Events Data
Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda 1994
An agreement between the government and FPR was signed in August 1993 at Arusha, Tanzania, that called for the creation of a broad-based transition government that would include the FPR.
Extremist Hutu were strongly opposed to this plan. In April 1994 a plane carrying Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryama, president of Burundi, crashed, killing both men; it was thought that the plane had been shot down by extremist Hutu. A wave of anarchy and mass killings followed over the next several months, in which as many as a half million civilians, mostly Tutsi, were slaughtered. The FPR responded by resuming their fight, declaring victory in July, and establishing a transitional government. Hundreds of thousands of Rwandans--both Hutu and Tutsi--fled, most of them into eastern Zaire (now called Congo [Kinshasa]). The great majority returned to Rwanda in late 1996 and early 1997.
Once, Hutus and Tutsis lived in harmony in Central Africa. About 600 years ago, Tutsis, a tall, warrior people, moved south from Ethiopia and invaded the homeland of the Hutus. Though much smaller in number, they conquered the Hutus, who agreed to raise crops for them in return for protection.
Even in the colonial era -- when Belgium ruled the area, after taking it from Germany in 1916 -- the two groups lived as one, speaking the same language, intermarrying, and obeying a nearly godlike Tutsi king.
Independence changed everything. The monarchy was dissolved and Belgian troops withdrawn -- a power vacuum both Tutsis and Hutus fought to fill. Two new countries emerged in 1962 -- Rwanda, dominated by the Hutus, and Burundi by the Tutsis -- and the ethnic fighting flared on and off in the following decades.
It exploded in 1994 with the civil war in Rwanda in which hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. Tutsi rebels won control, which sent a million Hutus, fearful of revenge, into Zaire and Tanzania.
In Burundi, the Tutsis yielded power after a Hutu won the country's first democratic election in 1993. He was killed in an attempted coup four months later, and his successor in a suspicious plane crash in 1994, in which the Hutu leader of Rwanda was also killed.
Last Update: December 16, 2000
Friday, March 04, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
If you wanna know something useful...
1. worrying about what people think
2. paying too much attention to your looks
3. discriminating against race
4. hating homosexuals
5. being defensive
6. commenting about the weaknesses of others
7. saying youre misunderstood
8. playing mind games
9. hiding for cover each time you're attacked
10. ...and listen.
1. worrying about what people think
2. paying too much attention to your looks
3. discriminating against race
4. hating homosexuals
5. being defensive
6. commenting about the weaknesses of others
7. saying youre misunderstood
8. playing mind games
9. hiding for cover each time you're attacked
10. ...and listen.
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