Sometimes I feel like a little bug. A dirty diseased little demented fly feasting on cow dung on the verge of biting his own head off out of doing myself(and others) a favour. Most times its happy go lucky watching the world revolve, cars going by, planes flying high above, sun rising, sun setting, tv on with a commercial running (at times you forget what you're watching cuz the damn ads keep booming away at every interval they can slot, stealing the thunder off your show) so, yeah tv running...world spinning not entirely out of control. What is there to do that has'nt already been done before?
Its ALL BEEN DONE! You're told you to be a team player but at the same time thrust your individuality. Go out there make as much cash as you can, step on whoever you can who gets in the way but when you reach the top give 10% of your gains to the poor, do charity...it'll cancel out the guilt. Join the ratrace, get a car + house, go to work 6 days a week, marry someone who can stand how quirky you can get, be a part of a group who'll somewhat understand you...is there really any point to all of this? To accumulate memories? To sit down one day when youre 40 and reminisce about the past 25 years?
Tell that to someone who is'nt quite as lucky. People brought up in wastelands, the starving, the orphaned, the crippled, the mentally retarded, the unfortunate ones who's entire families get wiped out by war or nature. I want to dig these eyes out and perforate these eardrums because PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID.
People believe that there is an ever watchful eye over us and that BEING has the almighty power to determine what does (or does'nt) happen to us. So in order to appease that certain BEING we have to go through a series of rituals. A strict code must be followed, failing which, we will be transported to a certain place where suffering is rife for all eternity (not Ethiopia, Afganistan nor Somalia) It sounds almost sci-fi, yet more than 60% of us BELIEVE.
Thats a facinating fact, especially when people watch Star-Trek and say it's utter bullocks.
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