Being single, broke and bored is seriously fucked up.
However, im sure thats
the way the world works in terms of lessons we learn. i've read somewhere that
the purpose of this existance is to learn.
Catch a fly, imprison it in a glass jar for awhile, and then let it go.
What exactly have you done to this insect?
You have played a vital role in its perceptual development. From the moment this fly 'escaped'
this horrendous, traumatic experience, it will surely love each breath and each flap of its wings
more than before. You have given it a taste of reality that life is not forever. Life is fragile
and without losing something worth fighting for, we can never fully grasp the meaning.
So i tell myself this is a lesson. What don't kill you only makes you stronger.
the way the world works in terms of lessons we learn. i've read somewhere that
the purpose of this existance is to learn.
Catch a fly, imprison it in a glass jar for awhile, and then let it go.
What exactly have you done to this insect?
You have played a vital role in its perceptual development. From the moment this fly 'escaped'
this horrendous, traumatic experience, it will surely love each breath and each flap of its wings
more than before. You have given it a taste of reality that life is not forever. Life is fragile
and without losing something worth fighting for, we can never fully grasp the meaning.
So i tell myself this is a lesson. What don't kill you only makes you stronger.
What DOESN'T kill you only makes you stronger. *rolls my eyes* *Ahem* Sorry bout my anal-retentivenss on correcting your sentence. I learnt that from well, someone.
:) makes it sound more modern lahhh...
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