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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

3 Relationships Will Fail If The Following Three Steps Don’t Get Fulfilled Within Your Relationship!

Here are three things you must ensure you focus upon within your relationship, to secure any sort of future and prosperity of the relationship. Let’s look at the three…

Your Partner comes first in your relationship.

In a functional, dedicated, and happy relationship your partner should be your life and you should be theirs. That means that of all of the people in your life, the opinions, needs, desires, and emotions of your partner come supreme to everyone else’s! To further emphasize this, the needs of your partner exceed by far the importance of the need of your parents, siblings, family, and friends. If you take the needs of anybody else over your woman’s/ mans you instantly disrespect their position at your life – at the very forefront. Never ignore the wishes of your partner to follow somebody else’s instructions and desires. Once you do that you lose respect by your partner, and the very cohesion that’s meant to be the very cement to the relationship! Even if your partner seems irrational, controlling (to a degree), and dead set on something (this may be anything in particular), you must go against the whole world if need be, upset everyone you know if need be, to be supportive and co-operating with your partners needs, and wishes. If you don’t follow this one vital point, chances are and I guarantee it, your relationship will never work out!
Ensure your partner feels appreciated.

If your partner is your life, then you should make sure they feel like it each and every day you’re together. Life is just too short for people to fail to ensure their partner feels wanted, needed, loved and appreciated! It’s not brain science; we all want to feel wanted and appreciated, your partner isn’t exempt to this. No matter how long you’ve been together, and no matter how lazy you’ve become in your relationship, don’t think for a moment that your partner doesn’t want to hear how appreciated they are. Just a simple ‘Darling dinner was great’, compliment could make your partners day! Before you go to sleep, and as you wake, it doesn’t hurt to tell your partner you love them and how much they mean to you each and every day of your life! Women and men equally want to feel appreciated the same. Is it so hard to let the one person you share your emotion, body, and soul with that they are the reason you look forward to each waking day. After all if this wasn’t the case you shouldn’t be together to begin with, and may just need to call it quits! Fail to make sure your partner feels loved and appreciated may not end your relationship today or tomorrow, but it all adds up, and like cancer will destroy everything between you!

You must put your partner before yourself.

When you’re single you’re an individual and key component of society, and in this circumstance your interests come first above all. In a relationship between two people in love, this is not so! Your partner comes first in your life. No matter how frustrated, angry, or just upset you get made to feel by your partner, you must cooperate together and take them for who they are, and love and care for them no less! It doesn’t matter how much harder or inconvenient, your partner may make your life, they should always remain the focus and the meaning of your life. Just remember that you were once before them, and you needed them, and upon needing them you obligated to them. Upon any obligation, the consequence may be a lack of freedom, and you gain a thing called responsibility! You chose to be responsible for your partner and them vice versa. This responsibility may come at the cost of a little pain, time, and care on your behalf, but isn’t this just a marginal cost in enjoying the beauty of having another human being in your life, to share your life with? Your partner is your life, and your life is theirs, never forget that. So instead of complaining, take pride in the bonds you share with your loved one, otherwise your relationship is doomed for failure!

I hope the aforementioned three pointers lead you all on the right track in achieving, and maintaining happiness and prosperity in your relationships.

Read more: http://socyberty.com

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